Restaurant - Cafe in Melaka, Malaysia. Traditional artwork.


Malaysia has recently topped it’s position in many rankings as destination for many westerners and other travellers seeking quality medical care in South-East Asia. Those…

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Tulum beach and Maya ruins, Mexico - favorite medical tourism destination for Americans


Mexico, the southern neighbor of the United States of America, a country known for an exquisite and vast cuisine, unique natural landscapes and historical sites…

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Canang sari flowers and leafs in the rain, Ubud, Bali

Indonesia – Bali

Indonesia, more specifically Bali that is many times referred as if being a country of it’s own, is the latest newcomer in taking steps to…

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Wheelbarrow at Alona beach in Philippines - Great Luck


Philippines, a country that some guide books have long referred as “sick man of Asia” due to it’s socioeconomical backwardness in some areas may sound…

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Marigold flowers at Wat Tham Phousi temple Luang Prabang

Thailand and Laos

Thailand is boasting itself as nr.1 medical tourism destination in the world counted by number of visitors, but mostly major surgical procedures are contributing to…

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Cow on rooftop in India at Jaipur monkey temple-India-Treatment Centers Turn to Integrative Oncology and Anti-Aging


India is a huge country and plenty has been said in most guide books about it’s diverse nature, society, mind blowing vibes and drawbacks in…

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